Pension, Investment and Will Advice

Very often, our Protection advice can highlight the need for advise on other related financial services.

Whilst we only advise on protection insurances, we like to be able to assist our clients in whatever way we can.

That’s why we include on our panel of 3rd Party Introducers, a firm that can advise you on Pensions, Investment and Wills

With your consent, we’ll be happy to introduce you to the relevant company, so they can contact you to discuss your requirements directly.

Plan for your tomorrow, today

Whether your retirement is years away or just around the corner, it’s a good idea to plan your finances ahead of time, so you can achieve the retirement income you will likely need, to be able to enjoy the lifestyle you want.

The choices you make now will affect the income you receive when you reach retirement. Therefore, it’s important to consider your goals and receive advice in this often-complex area.

Protecting your Plans

When making plans for your future, it’s quite likely that life insurance will come up in the conversation.

It might be because you want to leave money to loved ones in your Will, want to support the executors of your estate with inheritance tax obligations, or are making provisions in relation to your business.

Whatever the reason, Properly Protected can advise you on Protection insurance to suit your needs.


Contact Us

This service is available via our 3rd Party Mortgage Advice Introducer. Such introductions may result in us receiving an Introducers Fee from the relevant 3rd Party Introducer. Further information relating to any fee we may receive is available upon request.

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Properly Protected Ltd