Combative Sports and Personal Protection Insurance

Martial Arts and Combative Sports are a great for mind and body, but they’re also a ‘high risk’ activity.

Does Club Insurance or SSP (Statutory Sick Pay) cut it?

OK, how many times have you, or someone you know, over done it in class or whilst training? Tweaked a hamstring, pulled a shoulder, torn ligaments, broken bones, got a concussion? What if the injury was bad enough that it meant you needed to take time off work to recover – would you still receive your full income from your job?

With company sick pay packages becoming far less common place, most employed people would only receive SSP (Statutory Sick Pay) while they were off work. Would this be enough to cover your bills?

If you can’t work, you can’t earn!

Did you know that you can get income protection insurance that could pay you an income if you are unable to work due to injury OR sickness – whether you are employed or self employed – even if you’re off work due to at an injury that happened whilst doing a combative sport!

Properly Protected Ltd specialise in advising on and arranging Protection insurance for people involved with ‘high risk’ occupations, sports or pursuits.

Combative sports include:

Combat Sports

Boxing, MMA (Mixed Martial Arts), BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu), Muay Thai, Kick Boxing and Sambo

Traditional Martial arts

Karate, Kung Fu, Japanese Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Iaido, Filipino Martial Arts, HEMA (Historical Martial Arts) and many, many more…


KAPAP, Krav Maga, Bartitsu, Spear System, Systema and Defendu

Now a message from a Combative Sports veteran… Meet Brett, from Viking Combatives

Hi, I’m Brett Mackenzie. I’ve taught Combatives (Viking Combatives) for many years, beginning my martial arts journey at age 13, and have been a ‘knowledge hungry’ student ever since. I specialise in teaching self-protection, as well as self-defence, as I find that students don’t understand the concept of ‘managing their own risk’, so put themselves at unnecessarily increased physical risk…prevention is always better than cure!

I joined the British Army (Infantry) at 16 years old and after leaving, worked in various security roles, including Close Protection and Door Supervision, as well as commencing my martial arts teaching career.

During my long years involved in martial arts, I have seen all sorts of things happen; people being knocked unconscious from that really good hook kick, a few teeth being separated from their owner, broken ribs, snapped Achilles tendons etc…ouch! I have seen accidents resulting from freak ‘mishaps’ and accidents that could have been prevented, as well as injuries and/or weaknesses from the ‘wear and tear’ of long-term martial arts participation.

Martial arts is great fun – amazing for both body and soul – but the amount of stress it puts on your body can really take it’s toll…I’m 52 and already working on my second hip replacement! My first hip replacement took me out of action for 3 months. It should have been six months as least, but I had to force myself back to Door Supervisor work when I wasn’t fully recovered because I needed the money…I couldn’t survive on what you can claim from HMRC.

I didn’t know there was such a thing as Income Protection, let alone that it would cover me 24/7, whether I was working or teaching/training – if I’d had it, I would of still had money coming in, so been able to take the time I needed to recover properly, instead of putting myself at risk of further injury or problems by returning to work prematurely – just to pay the bills!

So, it’s a no-brainer…you know how to protect yourself physically, now protect yourself financially!

Brett’s question…

  • Have you read the club’s risk assessment, if not, why not?
  • Have you checked the club’s insurance policy?
  • Did you really read the club’s terms and conditions?

If the answer is no, or you just skimmed the text…go do it!

With today’s suing culture, martial arts clubs have wised up.

A reputable club will have what it needs in place to protect itself…so you should too!

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The above cover is available across several different policies and all cover is subject to underwriting and individual circumstances.

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Properly Protected Ltd